Crypto exchange is a phase in which you can exchange computerized cash. You can utilize trades to exchange one crypto for another or, on the other hand, to purchase crypto utilizing standard cash, similar to the U.S. Dollar. Businesses reflect the current market costs of the digital forms of money they offer. Following quite a while of collection and improvements committed to giving a remarkable exchanging experience to digital currency merchants and NFT resources financial backers, we are glad to present a new intelligent NFT sending off stage intended for crypto games and customary games – KuCoin IGO (Initial Gaming Offering).
KuCoin IGO
KuCoin IGO gives clients a consistent unified encounter to buy, contribute, and deal with their remarkable NFTs. Like digital money exchanging, IGO permits clients to straightforwardly buy NFTs and pull out to their outer location with the least postponement, and there is no gas charge for NFTs buying and NFTs withdrawal. As our IGO accomplices, KuCoin IGO gives three distinct ways to deal with sendoff your In-Game things using level rate deals, sales, or secret boxes. IGOs can be directed more than a few rounds, offering an alternate number of resources for each game with a layered cost structure.
X Rush
X Rush is a casual play-to-obtain game expected to outfit players with a horseplay gaming experience by hustling and shooting in various universes. Clients can accumulate their #1 racers and re-try hustling vehicles to match multiple players on the rundown of contenders. X Rush is made by Unity 3D and feasible with Web3 wallets. X Rush hopes to approach an unbelievable gaming neighborhood; players participate in the fun of their own as well, just like a piece, contribute, and clearly, get the game token $ XOX.
Key Features
- NFT (PFP) with Passive Income + Games (P2E) + Share to Earn (S2E)
- Confirmed and all around planned Tokenomics
- Numerous play-to-procure techniques for players Developed on Unity 3D Engine
- Simple to play and open game that can be played on portable (the two iOS and Android))
Genesis Mystery Box
Open the X Rush selective Genesis NFT secret box and get an irregular X Racer NFT. One hundred percent chance of getting 1 X Racer NFT. The artists hand-drawn X Racer non-fungible tokens behind the notable 2009 multiplayer online fight field League of Legends (“League” or LoL). X Racers are player-claimed NFTs stamped in the Kucoin Community, which can be exchanged on the NFT commercial center to another player.
Players who hold the X Racer NFT will partake in the accompanying privileges:
- The capacity to procure 50 Tokens each day, with the recurring, automated revenue divided like clockwork.
- The benefits of involving X Racer NFT as profile picture in the game, others are default.
- The freedoms of producing Testnet greeting code.
- Expected future airdrops.