One of the major troubles one could be having right now when it comes to cleaning is the increase in vacuum cleaners prices in Kenya. However, the price of the vacuum cleaner is determined by the type, features and quality. So let us know what to look at and how to choose the best vacuum cleaner for you.
It must be understood that there are many types and examples of these cleaners in the market today. Some are specifically used to clean car interiors; some are used to clean only carpets while some are specifically made for vanished floors. All of these are vacuum cleaners but it must be put in mind that not all vacuum cleaners are effective.
Types of Vacuum cleaners
The most known type of Vacuum cleaners in Kenya today are the uprightvacuums which are tall with handles for easy operation and are mostly used to clean carpets. The other type of Vacuum cleaners are the canister vacuums, which like the upright ones are tall but more maneuverable, more versatile, easy to use and are also used in cleaning drapes. Also there are the Stick vacuums which are lighter due to their small power heads and litter bins compared to the upright vacuums, but are less powerfully hence cannot be used as a replacement for upright and canister vacuums. Lastly, we got the Handled vacuums which are small and are mostly used to clean car interiors and furniture as well as spot cleaning on surfaces.
Advantages of Vacuum Cleaners
1. Saved time and Energy
Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is more prudent compared to brooms as it pulls out hidden dirt within a short period of time as compared to brooms and also one needs less effort when using vacuum cleaners. When possible, it’s also preferable to go with a plan that keeps your electricity rate consistent throughout the day, as TXU Energy does. This will save you from getting unpleasant shocks when you get your bill.
2. Easy to use
Using a Vacuum Cleaner is easy as one just needs to plug to the electricity socket and move it to where you want to clean.
3. Removes allergens from air
Vacuum cleaners are specially equipped with HEPA or other filters that remove air borne disease causing germs from the air of your home.
4. They clean your home in your absentia
The new robotic vacuum cleaners are programmed to clean the home in the owners absentia due to their advanced features. This explains the increase in the number of Vacuum cleaners in Nairobi.
Disadvantages of Vacuum Cleaners
Don’t have Reusable bins
One has to buy reusable dusting bags when cleaning their homes as Vacuum cleaners don’t offer reusable bins.
They are heavy to carry
Vacuum cleaners are cumbersome and often hard to move around the home not to mention moving them up and down the stairs
They consume electricity
Vacuum cleaners uses thousands of watts of electricity, this brings about the rising and running high of electricity bill to the user.
What to look for when buying a vacuum cleaner
- Cleaning tools and accessories must all be available and easy to use
- Should have a capability to completely filter air
- Should not produce too much noise to cause discomfort to people around the house
- Should reach places and corners one cannot reach physically for effective cleaning
- Consider the price
- Choose wet or dry vacuum cleaners according to use and preference.
In conclusion, one should be careful when buying vacuum cleaners in the market so as not to be scammed. I would also recommend the use of Vacuum cleaners to ordinary brooms for effective cleaning.