The Six Reasons Why Your Brand Should Care About Twitter Stats

Twitter stats are an essential part of any serious brand’s efforts to understand their audience and determine how well they’re doing on the social media platform. They may not be as important for a startup or small business, but if you’ve got even a modestly sized audience, it’s worth your time and effort to get them right. After all, no better metric can tell you exactly what kind of impact you have on people than what happens when you stop using Facebook (and every other platform). In this article, we will share with you six reasons why brands should care about Twitter statistics if only because they give you another avenue to measure the success of your content strategy.

1) Twitter stats help you improve your overall marketing message

If you want to reach more customers by producing more content, Twitter statistics are your ally. If we assume that you already know the basics of statistics – such as the difference between direct traffic and organic search visitors – then you need only learn about some new metrics to see a performance improvement. For example, how many users clicked from one tweet to the next? How often do fans “retweet” certain tweets? What percentage of your followers engage with your posts? These questions provide valuable insight into how your message is being received and whether you are achieving your desired results.

2) Show where your audience is coming from

This is the most obvious reason brands should care about twitter stats, but it’s also very powerful. Knowing which channels bring in customers or leads creates strategic opportunities for businesses. Is a particular region generating higher interest in your products and services? Are those areas sending you more traffic than others? Do you find that certain topics attract more attention than others? These questions can shape the way you develop future campaigns, so invest time into answering them properly.

3) Offer insight into your competitors’ strategies

Another benefit of looking at your competitor’s numbers is that it helps you identify their strengths and weaknesses. This information gives you insight into the types of social interactions and engagement that work best for them, but it shows you how much money they spend on advertising each month, which gives you a clearer picture of your budget. While it might seem counterproductive at first, this knowledge can be quite useful when you start thinking about ways to increase your influence over the market.

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4) Twitter stats can help you target specific groups of your audience

Have you ever looked behind Twitter’s pretty graphs to figure out who’s following whom? Now would be a good time to start paying attention to this detail. It seems like something minor, but this data can be extremely revealing in reality. When you look at the follower-to-following ratio of your top 10, 20, or 100 accounts (depending on the size of your audience), you begin to notice things like:

  • You can see which type of users talk more frequently with each other
  • You can spot potential influencers or ‘trendsetters’ based on their popularity among your followers.
  • You can learn more about how influential someone else is within your network.

It’s simple stuff, really, and once you grasp its power, you’ll use it again and again.

5) Twitter stats can help with competitive analysis

Knowing which brands and celebrities dominate conversations around your industry is key to determining how you stand up against your competition. Which companies are getting the most mentions? Are they gaining ground in terms of visibility and reputation? Do they appear to generate more positive sentiment than others? This analysis also identifies potential weak points or trends you can address through strategic changes. The result: increased awareness, loyalty, and trust among your current customers and new ones.

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6) Twitter stats can help determine what content works best for different audiences

Many marketers have used Twitter Analytics to track reactions to various marketing campaigns. While not an exhaustive list by any means, these examples illustrate some key findings:

  • Photos get noticed more often than videos
  • Links generate more clicks than tweets
  • Tweets tend to perform better if they’re longer

Knowing what kinds of posts resonate with different audiences is essential to creating effective campaigns. If you look closely at user behavior, you can learn to create messages that fit specific niches and grow customer loyalty. For example, a music brand may send tweets with links to articles discussing breaking bands, while an apparel company could share news items about popular fashion designers.

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