Sources of Law

Besides the courts and administrative agencies, there are also other sources of law. These sources include legislators and the press scoopkeeda.


Often referred to as the judicial branch, the judiciary makes the law. The judicial branch of government is composed of courts, such as the Supreme Court and lower courts, and is tasked with interpreting laws and defending them in the name of the state. The judicial branch makes decisions on whether a law is in the best interest of the people, and whether a law violates the constitution.

The judicial branch of government makes laws by interpreting and applying the laws passed by the legislature. In a country with a mixed judicial system, the Supreme Court is the highest court in the country, while lower courts are referred to as the trial courts of general jurisdiction.

Judges make the law by interpreting the law to the facts of each case. They seek to make sense of vague provisions and capture the intent of the authors of the text. They also use authoritative sources in decision-making.

The best example of a judge made law is the famous Donogue V Stephenson case. This case established the concept of negligence and later statutes were passed on torts.


Unlike the rest of the federal government, the state legislature is the only entity in the state government with more than a single employee. It is also the only entity to be a part of the state’s largest legislative task force, which includes a dozen of the state’s most powerful elected officials.

There are numerous ways in which the state legislature could have boosted efficiency and effectiveness. One of the most important is to have an independent attorney represent the legislature on a case by case basis. This might also reduce legal expenses by a large degree. If the legislature can find a way to put the budget to better use, it could do wonders for state tax payers .

A state by state analysis of the budget could reveal that the legislature has spent nearly $1.5 billion on attorney salaries since 2009, a figure which is roughly a quarter of the state’s total budget. In order to make up for this shortfall, the legislature is considering a number of legislative reforms, one of which is to limit the number of lawyers appointed to each office. Another is to eliminate the state’s monopoly attorneys. Hopefully the legislature will be able to implement these changes in the coming months.

Administrative agencies

During the Great Depression, Congress created many federal agencies. These agencies were intended to address economic and other matters that were critical to the expansion of the federal government.

The Federal Food and Drug Administration is the most widely known federal agency. Other federal agencies include the Social Security Administration, which pays cash benefits to workers who retire or die, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which conducts law enforcement functions. Occupational health and safety agencies are also common in most states.

Administrative agencies are usually created by statutes enabling them to conduct certain functions. They make and enforce regulations and rules, adjudicate minor disputes, and investigate complaints. These agencies are usually experts in their fields. They also help preserve judicial resources for other cases.

Administrative agencies typically write regulations that are based on federal statutes. These regulations are published in the Federal Register and are available in both print and online formats. Some agencies also publish guidelines to supplement the regulations. These guidelines explain the agency’s responsibility for enforcing regulations and explain proper compliance procedures.

Sources of law

Generally speaking, sources of law are the authors and authorities by which a law is made. They include legislation, regulations, court decisions, and cases. These sources are all binding rules that govern the conduct of people within a state. There are different types of sources and not all sources are used equally.

A main source of law is the constitution. Each state has its own constitution. This is the highest law that can be imposed on a state, and it cannot conflict with the laws of other states. Other sources of law include laws and regulations that have been passed by the executive branch. These laws and regulations are written down, and the executive branch publishes them.

Another source of law is the customs. These customs are laws that have been established by a community for centuries. They are often based on religious practices or the actions of elders. These customs can be either written or unwritten.

Another source of law is judicial precedent. This means that courts must follow previous decisions. This is particularly associated with jurisdictions based on the English common law.

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