What are the various Stellar blockchain development services?

Stellar is an open-source network for creating, transferring and trading digital representations of money— in all its forms such as pesos, dollars, bitcoin and the like. Stellar’s unique design makes it possible for all global financial systems to work together on a single network.
Stellar operates on a decentralized, open network and is responsible for millions of daily transactions. The network is considerably cheaper, faster and greener than many legacy blockchain-based systems.

It’s a great option for both startups and enterprises. And here are some of the most important stellar development services that are usually offered by blockchain development companies:

Consultation services

Most competent Stellar blockchain development companies offer consultation services. They help clients identify how their businesses can benefit from Stellar’s potential for improved efficiency and security of transactions.

dApp development

dApp development is another important service provided by Stellar development companies. They use Stellar’s API server, Horizon and SDKs to build highly efficient and secure Stellar dApps that can be integrated with various financial tools.

Stellar token development

Stellar token development services mainly include the creation of custom tokens on the Stellar blockchain network. The token development service can further be broken down into the following services:

  • Token creation

This service includes the creation of robust, highly optimized tokens on the Stellar blockchain as per clients’ needs.

  • Token listing

Good Stellar blockchain development companies extend support and advice on how to list tokens on leading DEX platforms.

  • Cold storage

This service is offered to make sure clients’ tokens are stored safely using the cold storage mechanism to prevent security issues.

Stellar wallet development

Any top Stellar blockchain development company will help you build robust wallets to help store your digital currencies.


The Stellar network has been built for speed and efficiency. Transactions generally get processed within five seconds and the transaction fee is a small fraction of a cent. With these and many more such benefits, Stellar has been able to secure an important place in the blockchain ecosystem. However, when it comes to Stellar development, choosing a reliable service provider is imperative. Make sure the development company you hire has a reliable track record. In addition, see to it that it can cater to all your development needs. Finally, check how experienced the company is and what its market authority is. Once, it checks all your boxes of criteria, you can go ahead and join hands with the company.

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